Can I Put Newspaper In My Rabbit Cage?

As the owner of a rabbit, it is crucial for you to provide a safe and comfortable living environment for your furry buddy. A common concern among people who own rabbits is whether or not it is secure to use newspaper as bedding in the enclosure where their rabbits live.

This article will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of using newspapers as bedding for rabbits. It will offer advice on how to give your rabbit a living environment that is both healthy and pleasant.

Benefits of utilizing newspaper as bedding for rabbits

Newspaper is one option for rabbit bedding that is both easily available and inexpensive, making it a good choice for rabbits. If you have old newspapers lying about your house, you will likely be able to obtain them for little to no cost at all.

The newspaper has a high absorption capacity, which qualifies it as an excellent option for use as a sleeping material. It can swiftly soak up urine as well as other liquids, which assists in keeping the rabbit’s cage clean and dry.

The use of newspaper as a bedding material for rabbits is generally considered harmless for the animals. It is not poisonous, and your rabbit’s digestive system will not be harmed if it is eaten in small amounts as long as it is not consumed excessively.

Cons of using newspaper as bedding for rabbits

1). Messy

 While the newspaper is absorbent, it can also be messy. It can easily be torn up by rabbits and shredded into small pieces, creating a lot of debris and dust in the cage.

2). Ink

 Some people worry about the ink used in newspapers harming rabbits. While most newspapers use safe, non-toxic ink, it’s still a concern for some rabbit owners.

3). Not very soft

: Unlike other bedding materials, such as hay or straw, a newspaper isn’t very soft or comfortable for rabbits to lie on. Because it can be rather scratchy and harsh, it is not necessarily the best option for rabbits who have skin that is sensitive.

Using newspaper as bedding for rabbits and some helpful hints

The following are some things to keep in mind if you choose to use newspaper as bedding for your rabbit:

Use it as a base layer

 Rather than using newspaper as the only bedding material in your rabbit’s cage, consider using it as a base layer and then adding a softer material, such as hay or straw, on top.

Change it frequently

 Because newspapers can be messy and absorb odors, it’s important to change them frequently. Aim to change the newspaper daily or every other day to keep your rabbit’s cage clean and fresh.

Be mindful of ink

 If you’re concerned about the ink in a newspaper, you can use unprinted newsprint or butcher paper instead.

Offer additional enrichment:

To compensate for the lack of softness in newspaper bedding, offer your rabbit additional enrichment, such as soft toys or a cosy hiding spot.


In conclusion, it is possible to use newspapers as bedding for rabbits; nevertheless, this choice comes with both positives and negatives. Although it is an option that is both inexpensive and absorbent, it may also be dirty and is not particularly plush.

If you choose to make use of newspaper as bedding, ensure that it is frequently replaced and take into consideration the addition of a material that is plusher. In addition, be aware of the ink that is used in the newspapers and provide additional enrichment for your rabbit to make up for the fact that their bedding may not be as plush as it could be.


Q: Is it safe to use newspaper as bedding for rabbits?

A newspaper is generally considered safe for rabbits to use as bedding material. However, it’s important to ensure your rabbit doesn’t eat large quantities of it, as this can cause digestive issues.

Q: Can rabbits eat the newspaper used as bedding?

Yes they can. Too much paper can cause digestive issues, so it’s best to provide your rabbit with hay and fresh vegetables for their diet.

Q: Can the ink in newspapers harm my rabbit?

Most newspapers use safe, non-toxic ink, but it’s still a concern for some rabbit owners. If you’re worried about the ink, you can use unprinted newsprint or butcher paper instead.

Q: How often should I change the newspaper in my rabbit’s cage?

Changing the newspaper frequently is important to keep your rabbit’s cage clean and fresh. Aim to change it everyday or every other day, depending on how messy your rabbit is.

Q: Can I use newspaper as the only bedding material in my rabbit’s cage?

While you can use newspaper as the only bedding material, it’s not the best option. Newspaper can be messy and not very soft, so using it as a base layer and adding a softer material, such as hay or straw, is recommended.

Q: Is newspaper a cost-effective option for rabbit bedding?

Yes, the newspaper is a very cost-effective option for rabbit bedding, as it’s often free or very inexpensive to acquire.

Q: What other bedding options are there for rabbits?

There are many different bedding options for rabbits, including hay, straw, wood shavings, and paper-based bedding products. Choosing a bedding material that is safe, absorbent, and comfortable for your rabbit is important.

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