Can I Train My Hamster And How To Do It?

Hamsters are wildly popular as pets in many parts of the world. They are itty-bitty, fluffy, and wonderfully endearing in appearance.

However, can hamsters be taught new tricks? The correct response is “yes” You can teach your hamster to do various activities if you have enough patience and stay consistent with the training. In this guide, we will discuss the various ways in which you can train your hamster, as well as the steps involved in doing so.

It is essential to keep in mind that hamsters are naturally nervous creatures before we get started with this topic. Because they are prey animals, they are always vigilant about possibly being attacked by predators. Because of this, they are prone to being quickly frightened, and it may take some time before you can gain their trust. When teaching your hamster new tricks, it is critical to exercise patience and kindness towards it.

5 Steps to teach your hamster some tricks

Step 1: Bond with Your Hamster

Establishing a close relationship with your hamster is the first stage in the training process. Every day, you should give your hamster some snacks and spend time interacting with and chatting with it. They will become accustomed to your aroma and begin to link it with pleasant memories as a result of this.

Step 2: Teach Your Hamster to Come to You

The following stage is to train your hamster to approach you when called. This can be accomplished by holding a reward in one hand while simultaneously calling your hamster by its name. If they come to you, you should hand the treat to them. Do this a few times a day until your hamster comes to you without questioning what you’re doing.

Step 3: Teach Your Hamster Tricks

As soon as your hamster feels at ease approaching you, it will be easier for you to teach it tricks. Teach your hamster to stand on its hind legs; it’s a simple feat that will impress your guests. This can be accomplished by raising a reward over their head and telling them to “up.” Once they are standing, you can provide them with the treat.

You may teach your hamster to turn over as another of its many tricks. First, take a goodie in your palm and let your hamster smell it while you hold it out to him. After that, you should put the treat on the floor and coax the hamster to roll over so that it may get it. Continue doing this daily until your hamster begins rolling over independently.

Step 4: Potty Training

There is also the possibility of housebreaking your hamster. You should provide a litter box inside your hamster’s cage and fill it with some of the animal’s waste. Your hamster will get receptive to the fragrance of their droppings and begin using the litter box. Be careful to give the litter box a thorough cleaning regularly to avoid unpleasant odors.

Step 5: Practice Makes Perfect

It will take some time and care to train your hamster. It is essential to do it again and again and practice daily. Stay encouraged if your hamster picks up a new trick right away. You just need to keep working with them on it, and eventually they’ll grasp it.


In conclusion, training your hamster is possible with patience and consistency. Bond with your hamster, teach them to come to you and then move on to teaching them tricks and potty training. With practice, your hamster will become a well-trained and happy pet .


Q: What kind of treats should I use to train my hamster?

Hamsters love small, bite-sized treats like sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, or bits of fresh fruits and vegetables. Just make sure the treats are safe for hamsters to eat, and don’t give them too much, as they can become overweight.

Q: How much time does it take to teach a hamster new tricks?

Training a hamster can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks, depending on the trick and the individual hamster’s personality. Don’t rush anything, and make sure you’re being patient and consistent.

Q: Is it feasible to train hamsters once they reach their senior years?

Yes, it’s possible to train hamsters of all ages, but it may take longer to build trust and establish a bond with an older hamster.

Q: Is it possible to housebreak a hamster so that it uses a litter box?

To answer your question, yes, hamsters can be housebroken to use a litter box. You only need to provide them with a litter box inside their cage and fill it with some of their waste. Make it a habit to clean the litter box on a regular basis to avoid unpleasant odour.

Q: Is it safe to train my hamster to do tricks?

Yes, it’s safe to train your hamster to do tricks as long as you do it gently and patiently. Please don’t force your hamster to do anything they’re uncomfortable with, and always reward them with treats and praise for their efforts.

Q: What should I do if it becomes clear that my hamster has no interest in being trained?

If your hamster seems interested in something other than training, don’t force them. Some hamsters may be more shy or less interested in performing tricks. Instead, focus on bonding with your hamster and providing them with a comfortable and happy home.

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