Can I put my Hamster Cage on The Floor? (Places To Avoid)

What makes your little hamster buddy live a happy and healthy life? It is their surroundings or a healthy environment. If you have just bought a little hamster and are planning to set up a home for him, you might be wondering which one is the safest. Can I put it on the floor?

Well, to answer this question and many others, we have written down this article and tried to pen down all the important queries and concerns regarding your hamster living space. So, Let’s get started.

Apart from the Cage environment, it is also crucial that your hamster’s cage is put in place with favorable conditions. So, can you put your little hammie cage on the floor? The answer is yes, you can, but only if the floor environment meets the specific standards or requirements. So, you should make sure the environment inside your hammie cage is comfortable, safe, secure, and nourishing to him.

You cannot place your hamster’s cage on the floor if you have other animals and they are also wandering on the floor etc.

So how can we make sure that the floor environment meets the standard? Keep reading, and we will tell you about all the factors you should consider while placing your hamster’s cage on the floor.

Where Should I Put My Hamster’s Cage?

There are many options when it comes to your hamster’s cage placement, but as discussed earlier, we have to make sure that the placement meets specific requirements, so your little buddy is safe there.

We have listed down a few qualities that placement must have for a hamster to stay:

  1. The place is quiet
  2. Have Regular lighting
  3. Little foot traffic to avoid foot smashing
  4. No cold drafts
  5. Stable temperature
  6. Direct sunlight Protection
  7. Away from ultrasonic sounds

You are good to go if your placement qualifies for these qualities.

Hamsters are sensitive, tiny animals that easily get preyed upon. When it comes to changing their living environment, try to avoid certain things like super cold temperatures, putting them at risk of entering a hibernating state, or loud or unexpected sounds like ultrasounds, or sometimes the sounds coming from your television can badly scare your hamster. Also, there is a need to maintain predictable lighting for a consistent sleep schedule.

Always make sure that you go through the above mentioned checklist while deciding the place for your hamster’s cage. By doing this, you are making a significant step towards your hamster’s happy and healthy life.

When Can I put my Hamster Cage on The Floor?

There is a possibility that a single person owns multiple hamsters leading to multiple hamsters’ cages. In this situation, placing cages on the floor is okay as long as all the requirements we have discussed before are fulfilled.

The major concern while placing the hamster’s cage on the floor is that If your hamster gets exposed to cold drafts. A hamster’s cage on the floor may also cause an alarming situation for people on the floor. Make sure the other pets are not on the floor while putting the cage.

Go for carpets instead of tiles and hardwood floors. Make sure the surface you are putting your cage on is flat and even. Keep the cage far, far away from the doors.

Try using draft stoppers for your house doors and windows. Apart from maintaining the temperature and surface nature, make sure you keep the other pets out of the room. Because if your hamster got caught by a cat or a dog in the house, it would be the last thing your hamster could get.

What should be put on the Surface of your hamster cage?

Well, this is a critical question, and we tried to answer it briefly yet in detail. To cover the cage floor, you can try.

  1. Go for Hay or Grass
  2. 3 to 4 inches of shavings
  3. Shredded paper
  4. Pellets

Use these things to cover the cage floor in general. If you want that hamster to live happily in its cage, try adding a burrow and hiding place for him in the cage.

Places to avoid

There are a few places that strictly need to be avoided when it comes to putting your hamster’s cage. Some of these places are listed below:

Avoid places like garages, laundry rooms, hallways, etc. these places are filled with potential chemicals and dust, making the temperature fluctuate throughout the day.

Other places that needs to be avoid include conservatories. Unfortunately, these places gets very hot in the summer, making temperature to feel just like a greenhouse, and super cold in the winter, which is not an ideal environment for your hamster.

The last thing to keep in mind here is temperature; you have to make sure that the temperature inside your hamster cage is a few degrees high than the surrounding temperature to make it optimum for your little buddy.

Final Words

Putting your hamster’s cage is a good idea if the placement has favorable conditions; however, you should definitely avoid putting the cage on the floor if you are clumsy while walking around the place.

So far, from this article, we have learned that your little buddy needs a few things, like consistent light, favorable temperature, and quiet surroundings, to be happy on the floor.

We hope that you have learned enough today from this article about whether to put your hamster’s cage on the floor or not, which places to avoid, and what favorable environments are for him.

Make your hamster’s home a happy place so he can feel satisfied.

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