7 Hamster Care Tips For Beginners In 2023

Hamsters are adorable little critters with fluffy coats that be wonderful pets for individuals of any age. They are simple to care for, require minimal maintenance overall, and only take up a small amount of room. Hamsters, however, are like any other type of pet; they need attention and care to maintain their health and happiness. If this is your first time owning a hamster, you may find the following advice helpful in caring for your new furry companion.

7 Best Hamster Care Tips For New Owner

Choose the right cage

Hamsters require a cage that is roomy enough for them to run around in and lots of room for them to exercise and play. Get a cage that is at least 24 inches in length, 12 inches in width, and 12 inches in height as a decent rule of thumb. (this is the minimum size). In addition, the bottom of the cage should be firm so your hamster cannot escape or hurt itself when running around.

Provide bedding

Hamsters require a warm, padded, and cozy environment to sleep and nest. As a material for bedding, you may choose to use wood shavings, bedding made of paper, or even recycled paper products. Shavings made from cedar or pine should be avoided at all costs because they can irritate the respiratory system of your hamster.

Feed your hamster a balanced diet

Hamsters are omnivores, meaning they consume both plant-based diets and those derived from other animals. A healthy diet for hamsters should include fresh fruits and vegetables and commercially available hamster food of the highest possible quality. Sugary and fatty meals should be avoided while providing nutrition for your hamster because they might cause health concerns.

Provide fresh water

Your hamster must always have access to clean water. Instead of storing the water in a dish, you should use a water bottle that has a metal spout because this will prevent spills and keep the water clean.

Give your hamster toys and accessories

Hamsters are quite active and enjoy exploring their environment, so supplying them with various toys, tunnels, and other accessories is important to keep them occupied. You may also add a wheel to the cage for your hamster to exercise on, but ensure it is the appropriate size for your pet before you do so.

Clean the cage regularly

Even though hamsters are inherently clean animals, they nevertheless require a pristine habitat to maintain their good health. At least once a week, thoroughly clean the cage by removing any filthy bedding and wiping it down with a disinfectant that is appropriate for use around pets.

Handle your hamster gently

Because of their size and fragility, hamsters should be cautiously handled. Always pick them up with both hands, and do your best not to squeeze or drop them. Before you try to take your hamster, give it time to grow comfortable with your presence.


In conclusion, having a hamster as a pet may be a very gratifying experience; nevertheless, it demands commitment and attention to detail. You can guarantee that your furry pet has a happy and healthy life by giving them a cage appropriate for them, supplying them with bedding, a balanced diet, fresh water, toys, and accessories, and cleaning their cage on a regular basis.

Because hamsters are sociable creatures who thrive on interaction with humans, it is important to remember to treat them gently when you hold them and to offer them plenty of attention and engagement. Your hamster, if given the right level of care and attention, has the potential to be a loving and devoted friend for many years to come.


Q: What kind of cage is best for a hamster?

A cage for a hamster should have dimensions of at least 24 inches in length, 12 inches in width, and 12 inches in height at the very least.The cell should also have a solid bottom to prevent your hamster from escaping or injuring itself. 

Q: I need to know what kind of bedding I should get for my hamster.

You can use wood shavings, bedding made of paper, or recycled paper products as an alternative.. You should avoid using cedar or pine shavings because they might be harmful to the respiratory system of your hamster.

Q:  What kind of food should I give my hamster?

A healthy diet for hamsters should include both high-quality commercial hamster chow and fresh fruits and vegetables. Hamsters thrive on this combination. Sugary and fatty meals should be avoided while providing nutrition for your hamster because they might cause health concerns

Q: How frequently should I clean the cage that houses my hamster?

The enclosure for your hamster should be cleaned at least once per week. This involves removing any soiled bedding and cleaning out the cage with a disinfectant that is suitable for pets. 

Q: Can I let my hamster run around outside of its cage?

Yes, you can let your hamster run outside its cage, but make sure the area is safe and secure. Supervise your hamster always, and make sure it doesn’t escape or get injured.

Q: How can I determine whether or not my hamster is in good health?

A hamster in good health will have bright, clear eyes, a glossy coat, and will be attentive and active. In addition to this, it should have consistent bowel motions and consume food and water on a consistent basis. If you observe any symptoms of disease in your hamster, such as listlessness, loss of appetite, or diarrhea, you should take him or her to a veterinarian as soon as possible. 

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