How to handle and interact with your hamster | Tame Your Hamster

Hamsters are excellent pets due to their endearing appearance, sociability, low maintenance requirements, and ease of caring. If you are considering obtaining a hamster as a pet, you must be aware of how to treat and interact with them appropriately to ensure they remain healthy and content. How to bring your hamster under control 

It may take some time and perseverance to tame a hamster, but developing a trustworthy relationship with your pet is well worth the effort. You may bring your hamster under control by using the following steps:

How to build trust with your hamster: Step by Step Guide

1). First Step

Begin by positioning yourself close to your hamster’s cage and speaking to it in a low and soothing tone of voice. They will become more accustomed to your presence as a result of this.

2). Second Step

Feed your hamster some treats through the cage’s wire mesh. It would be best if you began by putting the treats near the entrance to their lair and then moving them gradually closer to you as time passed. This will entice your hamster to come out of its hiding spot and engage in social interaction with you.

3). Third Step

Put your hand inside the cage and let the hamster investigate you by sniffing your hand. Carry on in this manner over several days until your hamster is accustomed to your presence.

4). Fourth Step

After a few days have passed, you should experiment with giving your hamster goodies directly from your hand. Keep your hand motionless and wait for your hamster to approach you instead of reaching for it. Because of this, they will begin to associate your hand with pleasant things, such as treats.

5). Fifth Step

Once your hamster is used to eating treats from your hand, you can then attempt to let them climb onto your hand by presenting it to them. Ensure your writing is always low and steady so that the hamster will feel safe.

6). Sixth Step

Once your hamster feels confident crawling onto your hand, carefully remove them from their cage and hold them close to your body while you carry them around. Ensure that you are supporting the entirety of their body with your hands.

7). Seventh Step

Gradually increase the length of time you spend holding your hamster, but constantly be on the lookout for indicators of discomfort or tension, such as biting or trying to escape from your grasp.

Continue doing these things daily until your hamster is completely tamed and at ease when being touched.

How to communicate/interact with your hamster?

When you are taming your hamster, you should constantly remember to be patient and gentle. You and your four-legged pal can develop a trustworthy relationship, but it will take some time and regular work from both of you to get there. 

In this piece, we will go over some of the essential points regarding your hamster’s care and how to communicate with it.

Prepare a comfortable environment

It is crucial to ensure that your hamster’s surroundings are comfortable and secure before you begin engaging with it. It would be best to make sure that the cage is spotless, the bedding is comfortable, and there is enough food and water supply. Hamsters are lively rodents; therefore, the enclosure in which they are housed should be large enough to provide them with sufficient room for running around and exercising.

Approach your hamster slowly and gently

Because hamsters are prone to being shy and easily frightened, you must approach them slowly and gently. Please do not attempt to grab them unexpectedly since this could frighten them, leading to them biting or scratching you in response. Instead, it would help if you let them become accustomed to your presence by putting your hand inside their enclosure and allowing them to sniff at your hand.

Use gentle, calm tones

Hamsters have sensitive ears, which allow them to pick up on sounds that are too high-pitched for us to detect. When you speak to them, ensure your tone is soothing and unruffled so that you do not terrify them. It is best not to yell at them or make sudden, loud noises since this could frighten them.

Use proper handling techniques

It is essential to make use of the appropriate handling procedures whenever you are working with your hamster to prevent injuring it. Always take them up carefully, ensuring that you support their complete body with your hands while you do so. Never pick them up by their tail because doing so might give them a great deal of discomfort and even injury. 

In addition, make sure that your hands are clean before handling your hamster so that you do not introduce any germs to it. Hamsters are notorious for being carriers of disease. Give out sweets.

Offer treats

Hamsters also adore treats, and giving them to them is a fantastic way to strengthen the bond you share with them. However, it would help if you did not provide them with excessive snacks because doing so might cause obesity and other health concerns. Stick to offering things that are good for you, such as fresh veggies or fruits, but do so in moderation.

Have some fun with your hamster

Playing with your hamster is an excellent method to maintain a healthy relationship with it as well as to keep it active and involved in its environment. Give them things to play with, like a running wheel or tunnels, and encourage them to investigate their surroundings. Toys are a great way to do this. However, to prevent any mishaps from occurring during their free time, you need to make sure that you supervise them


In conclusion, patience, compassion, and appropriate approaches while handling and engaging with your hamster are all necessities. You can guarantee that your hamster continues to lead a happy and healthy life by creating an atmosphere that is conducive to their comfort, approaching them in a manner that is slow and gentle, speaking in tones that are soothing, employing correct skills when handling them, providing them with goodies, and engaging in interactive play with them.


Q: How do I know if my hamster is comfortable with me?

If your hamster is comfortable with you, it will approach you without fear or aggression and may even climb onto your hand or shoulder. They may also groom themselves in your presence, which is a sign of trust.

Q: Can I pick up my hamster by its tail?

You should never pick up your hamster by its tail. This can cause them pain and injury and can also damage their spine.

Q: How often should I interact with my hamster?

You should interact with your hamster daily, but remember that they are nocturnal animals and may be more active at night. Make sure kids have a pleasant space to play in with a lot of different toys and things to do to keep themselves occupied. 

Q: What kinds of tasty morsels would be appropriate for my hamster?

Yes, you are able to provide your hamster with fresh fruits and veggies in modest amounts. Some examples include apple slices, carrot sticks, and cucumber slices. Treats that are high in sugar or fat should be avoided, as these might lead to obesity and other health issues.

Q: Can I let my hamster roam free outside of its cage?

Let your hamster roam free outside of its cage is not recommended, as it can easily get lost or injured. Instead, please provide them with a safe and secure area to play, such as a hamster playpen or a supervised play area.

Q: How do I clean the cage that my hamster lives in?

To clean your hamster’s cage, remove any uneaten food, dirty bedding, and toys. Clean the container by wiping it down with a mix of liquid dish detergent and water, rinsing it well, and allowing it to dry completely before adding new bedding and placing your hamster back inside.

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