Right Size of Cage for Hedgehogs | Hedgehog Cage Size

Although hedgehogs are incredibly cute, they are not the kind of pets you would expect to live with. They are different enough that they should not be considered household pets. However, many people are not knowledgeable about how to properly raise them, and one of the most important decisions you should make is the size of their cage. This will determine their physical and mental health. Having a small cage can affect their health and well-being.

Perfect Hedgehog Cage Size:

In this article, we’ll share a step-by-step guide that will help you to look out for the right things while buying a cage for your hedgehog. By the end of this article, your buddy will get a perfect home where he can enjoy comfortable digging as much as he wants.

1. Evaluate the Available Space

Before looking for a hedgehog cage, it’s important to consider the best place to put it. Although a hedgehog doesn’t need much space, a cage 2′ x 3′ feet cage is typically considered the bare minimum. However, your pet will need more room than that. Ideally, it would be best if you aimed for 3′ x 4′ feet. However, this is up to you, as your hedgehog will take advantage of any space you give them.

You’ll definitely have a better idea of what size cage will be ideal when you decide where it will go.

2. Remember to Keep an Account for Doors

You’ll need to have a way to access your hedgehog’s enclosure, it could be to clean the cage or take them out for a playdate. This means the cage must have a door for all this. Make sure that the space you’ve chosen has got enough space for the door to open and close. This means that certain types of enclosures may not be allowed. This isn’t a big deal, but it may require some creativity.

If you plan on keeping a hedgehog in your home, you should avoid investing in a new enclosure that’s too expensive. It should be placed in a convenient location so it can be cleaned easily. You should also make sure that the cage is not too high up or in an awkward area.

Remember that the vertical space is also important in the cage just like the horizontal space. You’ll need a cage with multiple levels to allow your hedgehogs to explore and climb. Many hedgehog habitats feature enclosed tubes that run all around the enclosure, which are designed to prevent the animals from falling. You’ll also need room for ramps and tunnels, though this won’t be an issue if you have enough vertical space for your tank.

In addition to ventilation, you should also ensure that the cage is free of obstructions that can interfere with the airflow.

3. What to Put Inside the Hedgehog’s Cage?

Getting your hedgehogs, the necessary stimulation is crucial to keep them healthy and happy. You can provide them with various types of fun activities, such as tunnels, mirrors, an exercise wheel, and balls. The size of their enclosure should also be considered to ensure that they have enough room. Many people find it satisfying to spoil their hedgehog, and it is crucial to assume that you will be purchasing several toys for them.

4. Know the Size of Your Hedgehog

Hedgehogs are domesticated from three species. They can grow to 9 to 10 inches long. It’s not surprising that a larger one will need more room, though keeping a baby inside a small enclosure won’t hinder its growth. Also, keeping multiple hedgehogs in one compartment can cause them to feel cramped and stressed.

Animals like hedgehogs are not social by nature, and if you keep the same sex together, there is a strong possibility of a fight. Keeping one hedgehog at a time is recommended to avoid this, and it will also significantly reduce the need for more space. There will be a time when your whole house becomes its cage, be ready for that.

Although hedgehogs are tiny, they love to explore and get out. This is because they need a lot of room to run around. You can let them run around in your house if they don’t get stepped on or eaten by cats. However, if you plan to let them roam freely throughout the day, you must buy a proper tank.

Final Words:

Here comes an end to today’s article. We hope that this article will help you demystify the process of choosing the right cage for your hedgehog buddy. If you have any other queries, please let us know in the comments section, and we’ll be happy to answer you.

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