How To Keep Cat Off Hamster Cage?

If you are a pet owner who possesses both a hamster and a cat, you may be concerned about the well-being of your small rodent companion. Your hamster could become a target for your cat’s hunting instincts because cats are naturally carnivorous and are not accustomed to being around small animals.

The struggle that pet owners face while trying to prevent their cats from approaching the hamster’s cage too closely is one of the most challenging problems they confront. You will be relieved to know that there are a few straightforward methods at your disposal to prevent your cat from approaching the cage and protect your other pets’ well-being.

How To Clean Hamster Cage

This piece will discuss some of the most successful strategies for preventing cats from getting into hamster cages. This will allow you to have the peace of mind that comes from knowing that your pets are healthy and safe.

Here are some methods to keep the cat away from the hamster cage

1). Move the cage to a safe location

The first step, as well as the most direct one, is to relocate the cage to an inaccessible area for your cat. You might put the cage on a high shelf or table, or you could put it in a room where your cat is not permitted to enter. If the top of your hamster cage can be removed and moved to a separate room, you might want to consider doing so. This will allow you to keep the cage’s base, where your pet is housed, in a more secure position.

2). Create a physical barrier

Establishing a physical barrier between your cat and the hamster cage is yet another way that is sure to be successful. If you want to keep your cat from getting into the cage, you can enclose it with wire mesh or screen it off completely.

If you have a cage made of wire or mesh that provides adequate ventilation, you will find that this method works best for you. You should also think about putting up a baby gate to separate the space in which your hamster cage is situated from the rest of the room.

3). Use deterrents

You can take advantage of the fact that cats are known to be sensitive to specific odours by positioning scented objects around the hamster cage. This will prevent your cat from approaching the cage, which will be beneficial to you. You can use essential oils such as citronella, lavender, or peppermint.

Why is my Hamster Climbing the Cage

You can also utilize a natural cat repellent spray that is commercially available and can be purchased at most places that sell pets. This spray includes all-natural components such as rosemary, lemongrass, and cinnamon.

4). Provide your cat with an alternative

Cats are naturally curious animals who relish the opportunity to investigate their environment. You may divert your cat’s attention away from the hamster cage and protect them from bothering your pet hamster by giving them an alternative to the cage that the hamster is kept in. You can give your cat a scratching post, a toy, or a warm bed to keep them happy. Your cat’s interest in the hamster cage will decrease because of this, in addition to the fact that it will keep your cat occupied.

5). Supervise your cat

The best strategy to protect your hamster from potential harm is to keep an eye on your cat while it is in the area of the hamster cage. You can keep an eye on your cat’s behaviour when you are nearby and take action if it becomes essential. While attending to your hamster’s requirements, you can divert your cat’s attention by playing with them or offering them a treat.


In conclusion, you will need to employ various techniques to prevent your cat from climbing into the hamster cage. Relating the cage to a more secure area, constructing a physical barrier, employing deterrents, providing an alternative for your cat, and monitoring your cat are all effective means of keeping your hamster safe and happy.

Keep in mind that the well-being of your adorable furry companion is of the utmost importance and that you must be watchful and proactive in order to protect them from any risk.


Q: Why is it important to keep cats away from hamster cages?

Cats are natural predators, and they may see hamsters as prey. Cats’ paws can also damage hamster cages, which can be stressful for the hamster. Additionally, cats may try to play with or even harm the hamster, which can be dangerous.

Q: Can I train my cat to avoid the hamster cage?

While training your cat is possible, it can be challenging. Cats are independent animals and may not always follow commands. It’s best to use a combination of strategies, such as providing an alternative, using deterrents, and supervision.

Q: What type of cage is best for keeping hamsters safe from cats?

A wire or mesh cage with a secure latch is the best type of cage to keep hamsters safe from cats. This cage type allows for good ventilation and is difficult for cats to damage or access.

Q: Is it safe to let my cat and hamster interact?

It’s generally not safe to let cats and hamsters interact. Even if your cat seems friendly towards your hamster, it’s not worth the risk. Cats can be unpredictable, and their instincts may lead them to harm or even kill the hamster.

Q: Can I use a commercial cat repellent spray around the hamster cage?

You can use a commercial cat repellent spray around the hamster cage. However, ensure the spray contains natural ingredients and is safe for your hamster. Avoid using any spray that contains harmful chemicals or toxins.

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