How To Keep a Rabbit Cage from Smelling? | Try These Things

Rabbits are fun, playful animals that can add so much joy and life to any household. They can also be messy and stinky, especially if you don’t care for their cage properly. Keeping your bunny’s cage clean and odour-free will reduce the risk of illness in your pet while making your house more pleasant to live in! Rabbits produce a lot of waste; if you don’t take proper precautions to clean it up, it will begin to smell very quickly. 

How to keep a Rabbit Cage from smelling

A smelly rabbit cage is not only unpleasant for you and your family, but it can also be harmful to your rabbit’s health. You can do many things to keep your rabbit’s cage smelling fresh and clean odor less.

First, make sure to clean the cage regularly on daily basis. At least once a week, remove all of the bedding and wash the cage with warm water and a mild soap. Be sure to rinse the cage thoroughly to remove all traces of soap. Secondly, provide your rabbit with plenty of hay. Hay is an essential part of a rabbit’s diet. And helps absorb any odours in the cage.

Why does my rabbit keep scratching the bottom of her cage?

Finally, consider using a commercial odor control product specifically designed for use in rabbit cages. These products can help keep your rabbit’s cage smelling fresh and clean between regular cleanings.

Improve Ventilation

Rabbits are clean animals and typically don’t make too much of a mess. However, if their cages aren’t adequately vented, they may begin to smell. You should enhance the airflow to prevent your rabbit cage from smelling nasty.

Making ensuring the cage has enough of airflow apertures is one method to achieve this. The less airflow there is, the less probable it is that odours will accumulate. To help move the air and reduce odours, you might also consider using a fan.

Another way to keep your rabbit cage from smelling is to clean it regularly. This means scooping out any waste, washing the food and water dishes.

Pick a Suitable location

When it comes to finding a suitable location for your rabbit cage, there are a few things you need to take into account:

  • Rabbits are very sensitive to changes in temperature, so the cage should be placed in an area of your home that is relatively consistent in temperature.
  • Rabbits are also quite sensitive to noise, so it’s important to find a spot in your home that is relatively quiet.
  • Because rabbits are such tidy creatures, they do best in an area that is free from dust and other airborne particles.

Once you have a suitable location and an appropriately sized cage, you next must put together a list of supplies. The following items are essential:

  • A water bottle or bowl
  • A food dish
  • Hay
  • A litter box
  • Cleaning supplies

The proper Bedding materials will keep Your Rabbit cage Fresh and smell Free.

Various options are available, but not all will effectively control odor. Here are a few bedding materials that are great at controlling odor in a rabbit cage:

Pine shavings: Pine shavings are an excellent option for rabbit bedding because they have natural odour-control properties. They also absorb moisture well, which helps to keep the cage dry and free from odor-causing bacteria.

Paper pellets: Paper pellets are another great option for rabbit bedding. They absorb moisture well and help to control odour by trapping it inside the pellet. Paper pellets are also dust-free, which is important for rabbits who are prone to respiratory problems.

Straw: Straw is a good option for rabbit bedding because it absorbs moisture well and has good odour-control properties. However, straw can be dusty, so it’s important to make sure your rabbit is not allergic to it before using it as bedding.

No matter which type of bedding material you choose, it’s important to change it regularly

Keep a Good Diet

A rabbit’s diet is very important for its health and the way it smells. You should make sure that you feed your pet a healthy diet of hay, vegetables, pellets, and water. All of these items can be found at any pet store in your area.

 Main thing which is important that you don’t feed them too much vegetables. If you do so, it may result in obesity and eventually death. It is also recommended that a rabbit doesn’t eat its feces because it can also make it sick. You should ensure that you check on how often your pet is pooping because if it poops more than usual, then there might be a problem with its diet or health.

Shaving of Aspen wood

Aspen wood is a great way to keep your rabbit cage from smelling. Simply shave off a small amount of aspen wood and place it in your rabbit cage. The aspen wood will absorb any odours from your rabbit cage and keep it smelling fresh and clean.

First, remember to routinely clean the cage. Remove all the bedding from the cage and wash it with hot water and soap at least once a week. This will assist in removing any dirt or excrement that might be the source of the odour.

Second, consider using aspen wood shavings for your rabbit’s bedding. Aspen is a very absorbent material and will help to keep the cage dry and odour-free.


Rabbits are clean animals; their cages shouldn’t smell if cleaned out regularly. However, sometimes rabbit urine can make the cage smell. Put paper on the bottom of the cage to prevent this. Newspaper or specially designed rabbit cage lining paper are both options. Every day or two, switch out the paper, and spot clean as necessary.

The bottom of a rabbit cage can be lined with paper to prevent odours from accumulating there. By absorbing any urine or faeces, this will assist keep them from coming into contact with the cage. To help keep things fresh, you can also place a layer of hay on top of the paper.

At least twice every week, change The Bedding

Rabbits are clean animals and will typically use one spot in their cage as a bathroom. You can help your rabbit keep their cage clean by providing them with fresh bedding at least twice a week. Bedding made from recycled newspaper is a good option, but avoid any containing dyes or scented with perfumes as these can harm your rabbit.

Rabbits are clean animals and often groom themselves, but they still need their cage cleaned out at least twice a week. The easiest way to do this is to line the bottom of the cage with newspaper and then put a layer of hay or straw over that. When you clean the cage, remove the soiled newspaper and hay and replace them with fresh material.


Rabbits can make wonderful house pets, but occasionally their cages begin to smell. You may take a few steps to prevent your rabbit cage from smelling nasty. Make sure to routinely clean it out and dispose of any unused food or waste. To help the cage absorb odours, add some fresh hay or straw. Finally, think about giving your rabbit a litter box so they have a specific place to relieve themselves.

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