Things To Do Before Keep Cockatiel and Parakeet Together?

Cockatiels and parakeets are two of the most popular pet bird species due to their playful and affectionate nature. For bird enthusiasts who want to expand their flock or enjoy the company of multiple bird species, the idea of having cockatiels and parakeets living together can be appealing. However, before bringing these feathered friends under one roof, ensuring their cohabitation is successful is essential.

Understanding Cockatiels and Parakeets

What are Cockatiels?

Cockatiels are endemic to Australia and belong to the genus Nymphicus hollandicus. These birds are both attractive and clever. They belong to the family of cockatoos and are well-known for the lively personalities that they possess. Cockatiels have become highly sought-after pets worldwide with their striking crests and elegant feather patterns.

What are Parakeets?

The term “parakeet” is quite broad and encompasses various small to medium-sized parrots with long tails. One of the most prevalent names for budgerigars, which are scientifically classified as parakeets, is the more colloquial “budgie.” Budgies originate from Australia and have been bred into various colors, making them visually appealing and beloved pets.

Quick Answer

  • Yes, Cockatiels and Parakeets can live together in the same cage. However, it is important to consider a few factors before introducing them to ensure their compatibility. Firstly, both species should be of similar size to prevent any dominance issues or potential harm. Additionally, it is crucial to provide enough space and resources for both birds to avoid territorial disputes.

Can Cockatiels and Parakeets Live Together?

The prospect of having cockatiels and parakeets living together may seem delightful, as it allows bird owners to enjoy the diverse attributes of both species. However, it’s essential to understand that each bird has its unique social dynamics and temperament.

Social Nature of Cockatiels and Parakeets

Cockatiels are naturally social birds and often form deep bonds with their human caregivers. They enjoy interaction and can be incredibly affectionate. On the other hand, parakeets are highly social amongst their own species, thriving in flocks and engaging in playful behaviors with their peers.

Similarities and Differences

Cockatiels and parakeets share some common traits, such as being vocal and possessing an inquisitive nature. However, they also have distinct characteristics. Cockatiels are known for their whistling abilities, while parakeets are exceptional mimics and can learn to imitate human speech.

Potential Challenges

Before introducing cockatiels and parakeets to cohabitate, potential challenges must be considered. One major concern is the difference in size; cockatiels are generally larger than parakeets, which could lead to territorial disputes. Additionally, differences in feeding habits and dietary needs must be considered.

Creating a Harmonious Environment

To ensure a peaceful and happy cohabitation between cockatiels and parakeets, the following steps should be taken:

Proper Introduction

When introducing the birds, gradual introductions are crucial. At first, you should put their cages in close proximity to one another so that they may view each other and develop acclimated to each other’s presence without really coming into touch with one another.

Cage Size and Setup

A spacious cage is essential to accommodate both species comfortably. Ensure that perches and toys are provided in abundance to prevent competition for resources.

Toys and Enrichment

Provide a wide range of enrichment activities and toys for the birds to play with in order to keep their minds active and stimulated. This will help reduce boredom and potential conflicts.

Feeding Considerations

Offer a balanced diet suitable for both cockatiels and parakeets. To select the most effective diet strategy for the mixed flock, you should seek the advice of an avian veterinarian.

Monitoring and Supervision

Observation is key to ensuring the birds coexist harmoniously:

Signs of Compatibility

Look for positive signs of compatibility, such as mutual grooming, playing together, and eating side by side. These behaviors indicate that the birds adapt well to each other’s presence.

Signs of Conflict

Be vigilant for signs of aggression or territorial behavior, such as feather plucking, excessive squawking, or aggressive body language. If any conflicts arise, separate the birds immediately.

When Living Together Isn’t Ideal

In some cases, cohabitation might not be the best option:

Separate Cages

If conflicts persist, it’s best to provide separate cages for each bird to ensure their well-being.

Rotating Playtimes

Alternatively, you can allow each bird to have individual playtimes outside the cage to avoid potential conflicts during unsupervised interactions.

Considering a New Friend

If cohabitation with a parakeet is unsuccessful, consider introducing a cockatiel companion to enrich your cockatiel socially.


In conclusion, although it is feasible for cockatiels and parakeets to live together in peace, doing so successfully takes careful preparation and consideration of each bird’s specific requirements. By creating a compatible environment, providing ample enrichment, and closely monitoring their interactions, bird owners can foster a delightful and rewarding relationship between these beautiful avian companions.


Q: Can cockatiels and parakeets breed if they live together?

A: In general, cockatiels and parakeets will not interbreed as they belong to different species with distinct mating behaviors.

Q: What if my cockatiel and parakeet don’t get along?

A: If your birds display signs of aggression or distress towards each other, it’s best to separate them to prevent potential harm.

Q: How long does it take for cockatiels and parakeets to adjust to each other?

A: The adjustment period varies depending on the individual birds’ personalities, but it may take a few weeks for them to become comfortable with each other’s presence.

Q: Do cockatiels and parakeets need separate feeding bowls?

A: Yes, it’s essential to provide separate feeding bowls to avoid competition over food.

Q: Can I leave my cockatiel and parakeet alone while I’m away?

A: Leaving them unsupervised is not recommended until you are confident in their ability to coexist peacefully. Always prioritize their safety and well-being.

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