How to get rid of ants in reptile cage? | Proven Ways

Ants are unwelcome in any environment, but they can be particularly problematic when they invade a reptile cage. They are a nuisance to the reptiles themselves and can also carry diseases and potentially harm your pets. Fortunately, there are many steps you can take to get rid of ants in your reptile cage.

Ways to get rid of ants in reptile cage

Clean the Cage Thoroughly

The first step in getting rid of ants in your reptile cage is to clean it thoroughly. This means removing all of the reptile’s bedding, food, and water dishes and washing them with hot, soapy water. You should also use a reptile-safe disinfectant to clean the cage itself. Before placing anything back in the cage, make sure to fully clean everything and let it dry completely.

Identify the Ant Species

Before you can effectively get rid of ants in your reptile cage, you need to know what species you are dealing with. Different ant species have different behaviors and preferences, so the treatment that works for one type of ant may not work for another.

If you are unsure what species of ant is in your reptile cage, you can take a sample of them to a local pest control company or entomologist for identification.

Remove Food Sources

One of the most common reasons ants invade reptile cages is their attraction to food. Make sure you remove any extra food from your reptile’s cage as soon as possible. Also, consider feeding your reptile outside of its cage if possible. This can help to keep the ants from being attracted to the cage in the first place.

Apply Ant Baits

Ant baits are a popular and effective way to get rid of ants in reptile cages. These baits typically contain a toxic substance that the ants take back to their colony, killing off the entire population. Place the bait in areas where you have seen ants, making sure to keep it away from your reptile’s food and water dishes.

Use Ant Repellents

You may use numerous natural ant repellents around the perimeter of your reptile’s cage. One of the most effective is diatomaceous earth, which is a fine powder made from the remains of tiny aquatic organisms.

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This powder kills ants by breaking through their exoskeletons, leading them to weaken and die. Sprinkle diatomaceous earth around the base of your reptile’s cage and in any cracks or crevices where ants may be entering.

Seal Entry Points

To prevent future ant invasions, it is important to seal up any entry points around your reptile’s cage. This can include gaps in the walls or floors, as well as cracks in the cage itself. Use silicone caulk or another appropriate sealant to fill in these gaps and prevent ants from entering.

Regularly Monitor and Maintain the Cage

Finally, it is important to regularly monitor and maintain your reptile’s cage to prevent future ant infestations. This means removing uneaten food promptly, keeping the cage clean and debris-free, and checking for any signs of ant activity. By taking these steps, you can help ensure your reptile remains healthy and free of ant infestations.

Final Words:

In final words, getting rid of ants in a reptile cage requires a multi-step approach that involves identifying the species of ant, removing food sources, using ant baits and repellents, sealing entry points, and regularly monitoring and maintaining the cage. With persistence and diligence, you can successfully eliminate ant infestations and create a safe and healthy environment for your reptile.


What are some of the dangers of using pesticides to get rid of ants?

Using pesticides to get rid of ants can pose various dangers to human health, the environment, and other non-target organisms. Pesticides can contaminate soil, water, and air, leading to long-term environmental degradation.

They can also harm beneficial insects such as bees and butterflies, and other wildlife.

Also, some pesticides can be toxic to humans and cause health problems such as respiratory issues, skin irritation, and even cancer if not handled and applied properly. Moreover, the overuse of pesticides can lead to the development of resistance among pest populations, rendering the chemicals ineffective in the long run.

What are some natural ways to get rid of ants?

Here are some natural ways to get rid of ants without using pesticides.


Vinegar is a natural ant repellent. With a spray bottle, combine equal parts vinegar and water, then use the mixture to spray along ant trails, close to entrance points, and other places where ants are commonly found.

Lemon juice

Another natural substance that may be used to ward off ants is lemon juice. Squeeze fresh lemon juice and sprinkle it in areas where ants are seen. You can also mix lemon juice with water and use it as a spray.

Essential oils

Essential oils such as peppermint, tea tree, and cinnamon can repel ants. Add a few drops of these oils to water and spray it in areas where ants are present.

Diatomaceous earth

The fossilized remains of diatoms are used to create the natural pesticide known as diatomaceous earth. Sprinkle it in areas where ants are present, and it will dehydrate and kill them.

Borax and sugar

Borax and sugar should be combined in the same proportions, and then the mixture should be placed in a shallow container along ant trails.

The sugar will entice the ants, and once they have consumed it, they will carry the borax back to their colony, where it will eventually prove fatal to them.

Cucumber peel

Place cucumber peels in areas where ants are present. The smell of the cucumber will repel the ants.

Remember, natural remedies may take longer to work than pesticides, but they are safe for humans, pets, and the environment.

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