Why Is My Hamster Breathing Fast?

If you are the proud owner of a hamster, you may have observed that sometime your fuzzy little pet is breathing significantly faster than normal. Because rapid breathing in hamsters sometimes indicates a more serious underlying health problem, this behaviour can cause alarm. Hamsters have a metabolism far faster than humans, which results in significantly faster breathing rates. However, suppose you notice that your hamster is breathing abnormally quickly or has trouble catching its breath. In that case, you must examine the cause of these symptoms and seek the assistance of a veterinarian if necessary.

In this guide, we will discuss some of the most common potential causes of your hamster’s rapid breathing and some things you can do to ensure your pet continues to enjoy a long and healthy life.

It is only normal for you to be concerned if you have seen that your hamster is breathing faster than is typical for it. BeOne of the most important things for you to think about as a pet owner is making sure that your canine or feline friend is happy and healthy.

One of the most important things for you to think about as a pet owner is making sure that your canine or feline friend is happy and healthy.

Reasons why your hamster may be breathing fast:

1). Overheating:

Hamsters are prone to overheating, especially in warm weather or if their cage is located in direct sunlight. When a hamster overheats, it may start breathing faster to cool down.

2). Stress: 

Hamsters are considered prey animals, therefore it is easy for them to become agitated if they perceive that they are in danger. Hamsters are known to have fast respiration in response to stress as they prepare to either fight or run away. 

3). Respiratory Infection:

 Respiratory infections are common in hamsters and can cause rapid breathing and other symptoms such as sneezing and coughing.

4). Heart Disease:

Like humans, hamsters can develop heart disease, which can cause rapid breathing and other symptoms such as lethargy and loss of appetite.

5). Obesity:

Hamsters, either overweight or obese, may have trouble breathing normally, resulting in fast breathing.

What to do if your hamster is breathing fast:

1). Corrective measures. 

It would be best to take corrective measures as soon as you know your hamster is breathing more rapidly than usual. The first thing that has to be done is an analysis of the issue and an attempt to pinpoint the root of the problem.

If you believe your hamster is overheated, you should relocate it to a cooler area or provide it with a cool surface on which to lie down. If you suspect that the hamster’s habitat is the source of the problem, you should look for and eliminate any potential stresses there.

2). Seek quick assistance.

You must seek quick assistance from a veterinarian if you have any reason to believe your hamster may suffer from a respiratory illness or heart problem. Because of the potential severity of these illnesses, quick medical attention is necessary to achieve a favorable outcome.

3). Losing weight.

You must take measures to assist your hamster in losing weight if it is overweight or obese. This can include providing a well-balanced diet, boosting opportunities to exercise, and minimising the consumption of treats and snacks.


In conclusion, if you observe that your hamster is breathing faster than usual, you must research the origin of this behaviour and take measures to ensure the health and well-being of your pet. There are things that you can do to make it easier for your hamster to breathe and to ensure that it has a long and healthy life, regardless of whether overheating, anxiety, a respiratory infection, heart illness, or Obesity cause the problem.


Q: What should I do if my hamster is breathing rapidly and seems to be struggling to catch its breath?

If your hamster has difficulty breathing or seems distressed, it’s important to seek veterinary attention immediately. Rapid breathing can indicate a serious underlying health issue, and prompt treatment is essential.

Q: Can stress cause my hamster to breathe faster?

Yes, Stress can cause hamsters to breathe faster as part of the “fight or flight” response. If you suspect your hamster is stressed, try to identify and eliminate any environmental stressors.

Q: How can I help my hamster lose weight if it’s overweight or obese?

There are several steps you can take to help your hamster lose weight, including providing a balanced diet, increasing exercise opportunities, and limiting treats and snacks. You may also want to consider providing a larger cage with more room for your hamster to move around and play.

Q: How can I prevent my hamster from overheating?

To prevent your hamster from overheating, ensure its cage is in a cool, shaded area and provides plenty of fresh water. You may also want to provide a cooling surface, such as a tile or slate, for your hamster to lie on.

Q: Can respiratory infections be treated in hamsters?

Yes, respiratory infections in hamsters can be treated with antibiotics prescribed by a veterinarian. However, prompt treatment is essential to prevent the infection from becoming more serious.

Q: Can heart disease be prevented in hamsters?

While there is no surefire way to prevent heart disease in hamsters, providing a healthy diet and plenty of exercise opportunities can help to reduce the risk. Regular veterinary checkups can also help identify and treat potential health issues before they become serious.

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