Why is my Hamster Licking the Cage?

Have you ever watched your hamster curiously licking or biting its cage and wondered what they were doing? You may have seen that some hamsters often show this kind of behavior, especially when they’re bored or stressed.

Believe it or not, there are several reasonable explanations for why animals like hamsters engage in this type of activity, and understanding the underlying causes can help ensure their health and well-being in the long run.

Today’s blog post will provide insights into why your hamster might be licking or biting their cage. Read on to learn more!

Top reasons why is my hamster is licking the cage?

1). Lack of Nutrition in hamster food

Hamsters require a high-fiber, low-fat diet to ensure they are getting the proper nutrition. If your hamster is not consuming enough critical nutrients in their food, it may try to make up for it by licking and biting the metal bars of its cage. This behavior could signify that they need additional sources of vitamins and minerals. So, you should choose good quality hamster food.

2). Boredom

Hamsters have a naturally curious nature. If they feel bored in their enclosure or lack access to stimulating activities, they may resort to licking or biting the cage out of frustration. It’s crucial to provide your hamster with plenty of toys and tunnels to explore, as this will keep them entertained while providing enrichment.

3). Stress

Stress is another common reason why your hamster might be licking the cage. If they are feeling anxious or scared, they may seek comfort by licking the metal bars of their enclosure.

It’s important to ensure that you provide a secure and comfortable environment for your hamster, as this can help reduce stress levels and make them feel more at ease.

4). Territorial Marking

Finally, some hamsters may lick or bite the cage as a way to mark their territory. This is a standard behavior among animals, and it’s crucial to provide your hamster with good size cage so they can feel safe and secure in their environment.

If you are finding hamster cages, then don’t worry, I will make a list for you soon.

5). Thirsty

It’s possible that your hamster is thirsty and trying to get a sip of water from the bars of its cage. Make sure there is a water bottle in your hamster cage that is not empty or dried. This way, your hamster can always stay hydrated and healthy.

Why is my hamster biting their cage?

There are a few reasons why a hamster may bite its cage. One possibility is that the cage is too small, and the hamster is feeling cramped and stressed. Another possibility is a lack of appropriate chew toys can also cause a hamster to bite its cage.

Lastly, it could be a sign of aggression or territorial behavior. It’s vital to ensure that the cage is the appropriate size for the hamster, provide enough toys and activities to keep them entertained and monitor their behaviour to ensure they are healthy and happy.

Why hamster licks their owners?

Hamsters may lick their owners as a sign of affection or bonding. Licking is a common behavior in many animals, and it can be a way for a hamster to show that it recognizes and trusts its owner. It may also be a sign of curiosity as they explore new things with their mouth.

Additionally, some hamsters may lick their owners as a way to taste salt or other minerals on the skin, as they have a natural inclination to seek out these substances. It is important to note that not all hamsters will lick their owners, as each individual animal may have its own unique personality and behavior.

Why do hamsters lick themselves?

Hamsters may lick themselves for a variety of reasons. One reason is for grooming and cleaning purposes, as they need to keep their fur clean and free from debris.

Licking also helps them to distribute the natural oils on their skin, which keeps their fur healthy and shiny. Another reason is to obtain salt, as they have a natural inclination to seek out minerals.

Additionally, it could be a sign of stress or anxiety, as some animals will engage in excessive grooming behavior when they are feeling anxious or stressed.

Also, it could be a sign of a medical condition, such as a skin infection or parasite, so it’s important to observe the behavior and if it’s excessive, it’s best to consult a vet.


Licking or biting the cage is a common behavior in hamsters and can indicate a variety of things, from stress to territorial marking. It’s important to make sure that the enclosure is the appropriate size and provide plenty of toys and activities for your hamster to enjoy.


Is it safe when hamsters lick you?

Generally, it is considered safe for a hamster to lick its owner, as their tongues and mouths are not known to carry harmful bacteria or diseases.

However, it is always important to practice good hygiene and wash your hands before and after handling your hamster, to reduce the risk of transfer of any germs or bacteria. It’s also important to keep an eye on your hamster’s overall health and consult a vet if you notice any signs of illness or if the licking behavior seems excessive or abnormal.

Additionally, some people may be allergic to certain proteins found in hamster saliva, so it is best to be aware of any possible allergic reactions.

Can hamsters get bored?

Yes, just like any other pet, hamsters can become bored if they are not provided with enough activities and stimulation.

Hamsters need exercise, mental stimulation and plenty of space to explore in order to stay healthy and active.

Providing toys, chews and interesting items for your hamster to explore will help to keep them entertained and prevent boredom.

Additionally, ensuring that their cage is the appropriate size for the species and providing a safe, stimulating environment will help to keep your hamster happy and healthy. My personal suggestion is (keep at least two hamsters).

Can hamsters bite?

Yes, some hamsters may bite if they are startled or feel threatened in any way. It’s important to handle your hamster carefully, avoiding sudden movements or loud noises that could scare it.

Furthermore, it’s important to provide enough space for your hamster to explore and feel safe in its environment. If your hamster has a tendency to bite, you may need to find ways to discourage the behavior, such as providing toys or treats when they are calm and gentle.

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