5 Reasons Why Is My Rabbit Breathing Fast While Lying Down?

Rabbit owners often observe their furry friends engaging in curious behaviors, and one concerning sight can be a rabbit breathing rapidly while lying down. In this article, we will delve into the reasons behind this behavior and what you should do if you notice your rabbit exhibiting such symptoms.

Before we explore the potential causes of fast breathing in rabbits, let’s establish what is considered normal. Rabbits are obligate nasal breathers, meaning they primarily breathe through their noses. The normal range for a rabbit’s resting respiratory rate is 30–60 breaths per minute.

Possible Reasons for Fast Breathing while Lying Down

1). Dental Issues and Respiratory Distress

Dental problems are a common issue in rabbits, and they can lead to respiratory distress. Overgrown teeth or dental abscesses can cause pain and discomfort, prompting rabbits to breathe rapidly, especially when lying down.

2). Stress and Anxiety

Due to their high level of sensitivity, rabbits are fragile creatures that are prone to displaying anxious or tense behavior due to their susceptibility. Changes in their environment, loud noises, or the presence of predators (even if just perceived) can trigger a stress response, causing rapid breathing.

3). Heat or Overheating

Rabbits are susceptible to overheating, especially in hot weather. They don’t sweat and release heat primarily through their ears. If a rabbit is lying down and breathing rapidly, it could be a sign of heat stress.

4). Respiratory Infections

Infections such as pasteurellosis can affect a rabbit’s respiratory system, leading to laboured breathing. If a rabbit is experiencing an illness, it may breathe rapidly even when resting.

5). Heart Issues

Heart problems can also contribute to abnormal breathing patterns. If a rabbit’s heart struggles to pump blood effectively, it may lead to increased breathing rates, particularly when lying down.

What to Do if Your Rabbit is Breathing Fast

  1. Consult a Veterinarian: If you notice your rabbit breathing rapidly while lying down, seeking professional help is essential. A veterinarian familiar with rabbit care will be able to determine what’s wrong and treat it.
  2. Monitor Environment: Ensure your rabbit’s living environment is comfortable and stress-free. Keep them in a cool area during hot weather and provide them with ample shade and water.
  3. Dental Health: Regularly check your rabbit’s teeth and provide them with appropriate chew toys to prevent dental issues.


Rapid breathing in rabbits while lying down can be caused by various factors, ranging from dental problems to stress and even serious medical conditions. As a responsible rabbit owner, it’s crucial to closely monitor your pet’s behavior and seek prompt veterinary attention if you notice any abnormal respiratory patterns. Understanding and addressing the underlying causes can ensure your rabbit’s well-being and happiness.


Q: Can stress really cause rapid breathing in rabbits? 

A: Yes, rabbits are highly sensitive creatures, and stress or anxiety can indeed lead to rapid breathing.

Q: Are dental issues common in rabbits? 

A: Yes, dental problems are relatively common among rabbits due to their continuously growing teeth.

Q: Can I help prevent overheating in my rabbit? 

A: Absolutely. Ensure your rabbit can access shade, cool water, and a well-ventilated living area.

Q: Is rapid breathing always a sign of a severe health issue? 

A: Not necessarily, but a veterinarian should always take it seriously and assess it.

Q: How can I make my rabbit feel less stressed? 

A: Providing a calm and consistent environment, along with proper handling and socialization, can help reduce rabbit stress.

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