What is a Good Size Cage For 2 Budgies | Cage Buying Guide

What kind of cage is good for 2 budgies? This is a question that many budgies’ owners have, and it’s a tricky one to answer. There are a lot of different factors to consider, like the size of the cage, the type of cage, and what kind of toys and accessories you provide. 

In this post, we’ll look at some of the things you need to consider when choosing a cage for your budgies. We’ll also share some recommendations for cages that would be perfect for 2 birds. So, let’s dig deeper into the topic.

Ideal Cage Size For 2 Budgies

When it comes to providing a suitable home for two budgies, it’s essential to make sure that they have enough space. The ideal cage size for two budgies should be at least 24″ long x 18″ high x 18″ inches deep. This will give them plenty of space to move around and explore their surroundings without feeling cramped or crowded. 

It’s also important to provide access to natural light and fresh air to ensure your budgies stay healthy and happy. With the correct size cage, two budgies can happily coexist and enjoy the companionship they offer each other.

You should also note that the two budgies should only be housed in the same cage if they are comfortable with each other. It’s best to keep them in separate cages and provide playtime together outside of their respective enclosures. This will make sure they don’t fight or become distressed over minor issues. If you decide to house them together, ensure that the cage is big enough for them to move away from each other when needed.

Cage buying guide for Budgies:

When it comes to finding the perfect cage for your budgie, there are a few things to consider. 

Bars Must Be Properly Spaced

When selecting a cage for your budgie, it is crucial to ensure that the spacing between bars is not too wide. The space between the bars must be at most 1/2 inch (1 cm). This will ensure your bird is kept from escaping or getting stuck in the cage.

Easy Access

The entrance and exit of the cage must be accessible for your feathered friend. Look for a cage with an open front door or a sliding tray on the bottom that can easily be opened. It is also vital to ensure that your bird has enough room inside the cage to stretch its wings and move around quickly.


When selecting a cage, check if it comes with perches. Different types of perches provide your budgie with various activities and help keep their claws trimmed. Try to find perches made from natural materials such as branches or bamboo, which are better for your bird’s feet than plastic or metal.

Pick A Cage with Enough Room

Budgies can fly short distances and should have enough room to move around in their cage. Be sure to pick a large enough cage so your bird can flap its wings comfortably without hitting the sides of the cage.

Avoid Purchasing a Round Cage

When selecting a cage for your budgie, it is important to avoid purchasing a round cage. Round cages restrict the movement of your bird and can cause stress or health problems.

Sturdy Material

You should also consider the material of the cage you buy; some cages are made from wire, while others may be plastic or metal. Wire cages often come with removable trays at the bottom, which makes cleaning easier. In contrast, plastic or metal cages can be harder to clean but are more durable.

Make sure you select a cage made from durable and robust materials that won’t rust or corrode over time. The material should also be resistant to bacteria and fungi and easy to clean. It is also essential to look for cages with non-toxic finishes and coatings. This will ensure that your bird is safe from toxins or hazardous materials.


When picking out a cage for your budgie, it is necessary to consider the bird’s safety. The cage should be made from safe materials that won’t pose any risks to the bird’s health or well-being. It should also be sturdy enough to withstand normal wear and tear and any potential accidents. Additionally, look for a cage with secure, sturdy bars and locks to prevent your budgie from escaping or getting injured.

Minimum size requirements

The amount of space the cage needs to provide should be based on the size of your budgie. Generally, each bird needs at least 2 square feet of floor space inside their cage. Additionally, the height of the cage should be at least twice as tall as your bird’s wingspan. Going larger than this size is always better!

Accessibility and Location

The location of the cage in your home is important for a few reasons. Firstly, you want to ensure that your budgie has easy access to plenty of natural light and fresh air. Place the cage in a spot that is away from drafts or direct sunlight. Additionally, make sure that the cage is easily accessible for cleaning and maintenance purposes.


Finally, you will want to consider adding some accessories inside your budgie’s cage. Bird toys are great for helping to keep your budgie entertained and mentally stimulated. Additionally, look for a good quality perch, as well as food and water dishes that are specifically designed for birds. A few extra accessories such as these can go a long way in helping to make your budgie feel safe and secure in its new home. 

Final Words 

Now, you know the right cage size for your budgies. A good rule of thumb is at least 18x18x24 inches, but the bigger, the better!

Providing a suitable home for two budgies is integral to becoming a responsible pet owner. With the correct size cage and lots of playtime and enrichment activities, your budgies can live happily and healthily in their new home.

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